Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Afternoon Crafts

Fall Wreath

Not quite finished yet, but working on a fall wreath to go in my front courtyard.  I still need to fill it in a little more.

This was made with card stock I purchased at Hobby Lobby.  I used about 6 different fall patterns.

I tried to do a single layer but the back of the card stock is white, so I ended up putting both the front and back in the card stock pattern.  

This is the card stock patterns I chose.

I used a straw wreath $5.00 at Hobby Lobby, and bought some straight pins from the fabric section of Hobby Lobby.

It was very simple to make.

I started out making one inch strips but decided that was too small, so ended up cutting some 2 inch strips also.  This helped fill it in nicely.  

The scarecrows I bought at Hobby Lobby also - they were about $2.50 a piece.  This was a very inexpensive wreath to make.  I'm hoping to make some more for gifts.

If you want other wreath ideas similar to this one, I got this idea from here.

There's a lot of different ways you can make this wreath.  Use your own imagination!

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Earrings - Cricket Maker

Hello - and Happy Sunday afternoon crafting!

I've recently been learning to make earrings with my Cricket Maker.  Isn't this machine wonderful!  If only I had more time to play with it!  Such is the dilemma with the working woman!  Never enough time to get everything done.  

I did the mirror image of the same card stock to go on the back and I used fabric glue (which is what I had on hand) to glue the front to the back. The cardstock is white on the back so I think it looks best with the back in the same pattern, or you could choose a coordinating pattern. 

I also used a very small hole puncher (1/16 inch) that I got from Amazon.  Some design shapes in Design Space have the hole already included in the shape so the Cricut will automatically cut out the hole for you, which is nice. 

I bought card stock from Hobby Lobby and also bought these little gem stones from Michaels.  

Since I live in San Angelo, TX, which is in the heart of Texas, I put the stone right at the point where I live.  These would be great to make and sell where you live.  

You can download any state image onto Design Space or find one already in there, and cut it out on any cardstock you choose.  

I went with a Southwest cardstock to go with the Texas theme.

Love the colors in this card stock.  This was just a simple oval shape.  

And here's the tear drop shape made with this beautiful card stock. Love the gold throughout it.  These are real light weight.  

I hope to get more made today, before I start my busy work week!  

Hope everyone enjoys your weekend and Happy Crafting!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Hi y'all.  I'm so ready for FALL!  

When the weather starts cooling down, there's no better accessory than a colorful, cozy scarf.  

Check out these bright fall colors.  Add a pop of color to your fall wardrobe. 

Yes, fall is in the not-too-distance future.  I am so over summer!!!  Ready to get started on the fall wardrobe, enjoy the fall smells, and just enjoy all the excitement that fall brings!

Love and joy!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Gift Baskets

So here's another project I've been working on.  Actually it's more out of a need at my work to make gifts for going away and retirements.

We usually collect money at work, then look for a way to give the money as a gift.

So instead of just handing money in a card, what better way to gift money then to incorporate it in a gift basket!

And not just any gift basket!  I've learned how to make origami flower pedals using money.  Each flower pedal takes three bills.  Here's the video on how to make the origami flowers.

It's super easy and I'm loving the way these gift baskets turned out.  

This party had a tropical/beach theme, and the items inside were a beach towel, tote bag, zipper pouch, water proof phone case, and other goodies!

This basket was for a student worker who graduated from college and also got married.  The theme was yellow and relaxing.  I embroidered a towel to put in the back of the basket.  Their names are on the front and I used my Cricut to write their names.  

Gift baskets are so much fun to make and you can personalize them however you want.  

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Don't you just love when you buy a piece of jewelry and find out it goes with almost everything!

Such was the case with this necklace.  I bought it to wear with solid shirts, but look how well it blends with colors as well.

It's long enough to wrap it twice around your neck, or just wear it long.

Click here to get yours while it's on sale.  It's all about the colors!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Accessory Boost 

I'm really excited to be launching my online store called Accessory Boost!

We have colorful women's accessories at affordable prices.  Click here!

 Natural Stone Bracelet
 Natural Stone Earrings
Cell phone wallet

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Free Motion Quilting

This is what you do when you don't have the patience to quilt a large quilt.  You make a handbag and do free motion quilting! 

I like handbags because they are quick and easy to make.  I know this is one project I will actually finish!

You don't really have to think much about quilting this - just guide the sewing machine to whatever design you want to make.  It doesn't get any easier than this.  You do need a quilting foot for your machine.  

I bought the handles already made from Hancock Fabric - right before they went out of business.  The brand of these handles are Everything Mary.  I use them for all my handbags.  

Monday, June 10, 2019

Wedding Gift Ideas

I used my Janome Memory Craft 400E embroidery machine to make these kitchen towels for a wedding gift last year.  The designs I purchased on Etsy. You can search on these words and it should come up for you.  

I love my embroidery machine but still learning how to use it.  It will do so much!  It's great for making gifts. 



Saturday, June 8, 2019

Earrings using Cricut Maker

Well, here's my attempt at making earrings using the Cricut Maker.  

There are lots of designs in Design Space for making earrings.  Most small designs will work.  You just have to use your imagination!   

These are made with the glitter paper from Hobby Lobby.  When using the glitter paper, I use the faux leather setting.  The back of the glitter paper is white, so I also cut the design using solid black to glue to the back of the earring.  

The only trouble I had was that the sides still showed a little white.  I had to take a black Sharpie marker and fill it in.  So a different paper may work better, but this was a start to my earring Cricut collection!

What do you think?  

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Strawberry Cake With Cream Cheese Icing

Want to take that basic strawberry cake mix to the next level?  

It's actually quite easy.  People won't realize you used a cake mix -- and you don't have to tell them!

This is my basic strawberry cake - with fresh strawberries added for an extra strawberry delight!

Take your regular strawberry cake mix and make it by the directions on the back of the box.  Before you pour it in the pan, add 1 - 1 1/2 cups of fresh strawberries cut rather thin.  How easy is that?!

This is what gives it an extra pizzazz of strawberry yumness.  (I know that isn't a word, but it fits rather nicely here.)  

Check this out

Basic cream cheese frosting

1/2 cups butter - room temperature
6 oz cream cheese
2 tablespoons vanilla
2 cups powder sugar

Beat the cream cheese and butter with an electric mixer until smooth - about 3 minutes.
Beat in vanilla and powder sugar slowly.
You can add more powder sugar to get the consistency you want.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Don't know what to get dad for Father's Day?

Click on the link below to see the best Father's Day gift ideas.

Your dad will love one of these!

Friday, May 31, 2019

How much time in the day do we spend worrying?

Seems like there is always something to worry about -- money - children - health - job -- the list goes on and on.

Why do we spend so much time worrying?

The Bible teaches us not to worry.  One of my favorite scriptures is Philippians 4 -

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, present your request to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

When I read this, I have a sense of calm go through me.  You can't help but feel peace when you truly understand that God is in control.  

So why worry?

Worrying is thinking God is not in control.  And how silly is that!

So relax, take a few slow, deep breaths, smile, and let go of the worries.  Your body will be much HAPPIER!

Friday, September 21, 2018

There's nothing like the anticipation of a new season!  Fall weather is just around the corner.  I can feel it in the air.  And what better time to start fall projects.

This is a Simplicity pattern.  I've made it so many times I can almost make it in my sleep!  Using up some of the fat quarters I've piled up lately.  

And don't forget to take time out of your busy day to look up at the sky, and look around at nature.  It seems that oftentimes I'm looking down, or so focused on what I have going on right in front of me, that I don't take time to observe the beauty that's all around. 

Worry less, pray more, give thanks!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dog Days of Summer
It is soooo hot here in Texas that it’s almost impossible to do anything but hang out in the water!  It’s the only relief to this scorching afternoon heatwave.  All the plants look so distressed and longing for a cooler breeze.  Aaah, a cool breeze sounds so nice right now.  We get an occasional breeze, but it feels like an oven! 
Here’s a link to a cornbread salad that is really good – a nice cool salad. Doesn’t that sound nice! .  Haven't tried it myself but someone at my work made it and it's really good.  I plan to make it soon.  For now, it's back to the water!    

 I love taking pictures of birds in my yard. Every once in a while I can catch one - right before it flies away – just that one second that allows a quick snap shot!  Gotcha!! 

  This one stayed around for a long time - looks like he's posing doesn't it!